Use Bun with Astro

Bun is an all-in-one JavaScript runtime & toolkit. See Bun’s documentation for more information.

Create a new Astro project with Bun

Section titled Create a new Astro project with Bun

Create a new Astro project with Bun using the following create-astro command:

Terminal window
bunx create-astro@latest my-astro-project-using-bun

If you’re starting a new project using bunx create-astro, the CLI will automatically use Bun to install dependencies and you can skip this step.

Otherwise, you’ll need to install your dependencies with Bun:

Terminal window
bun install

Bun publishes the bun-types package, containing the runtime types for Bun.

Install bun-types using the following command:

Terminal window
bun add -d bun-types

Add the package to your types in tsconfig.json

"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["bun-types"]

You can also use any of the official Astro integrations with the astro add command:

Terminal window
bunx astro add react

To run the development server using Bun as the runtime, use the following command:

Terminal window
bunx --bun astro dev

To build your site using Bun as the runtime, use the following command:

Terminal window
bunx --bun astro build

Astro will output your site to the dist/ directory. Then, you can serve your site using the preview command:

Terminal window
bunx --bun astro preview

Add SSR with Bun using @astrojs/node

Section titled Add SSR with Bun using @astrojs/node

Bun features Node.js API compatibility. Using the @astrojs/node adapter you can add server-side rendering to your Astro project using Bun’s runtime as a replacement for Node.

Run the following command to add the Node.js adapter to your Astro project:

Terminal window
bunx astro add node

Build your site again, using the same build command as above:

Terminal window
bunx --bun astro build

Finally, use the following command to run your built site.

Terminal window
bun ./dist/server/entry.mjs

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